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Zone Evaluation Questionnaire
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Zone 1 Jedianix Evaluation
hi, Are you embarrassed of yourself and feel physically unattractive? cr.appl
Do you tend to concentrate on small physical conditions such as pimples or marks? (cr.appl)
Do you set overly high standards for yourself and your achievements? (pin)
Are you full of self reproach or quilt? (pin)
Do you blame yourself for the things that go wrong, sometimes even the mistake of others? (pin)
Do you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities? (el)
Do you feel it is too difficult to handle all the many tasks ahead of you? (el)
Do you become exhausted when faced with everyday commitments? (el)
Do you lack self confidence? (larc)
Do you feel inferior and often become discouraged? (larc)
Are you so sure you will fail that you do not even attempt things? (lar)
Are you exhausted but feel the need to struggle against all odds? (ohk)
Do you have a strong sense of duty and dependability, carrying on no matter what obstacles stand in your way? (ohk)
Do you feel as if you have reached the limits of what you possibly can endure? (sw.chsnt)
I do not relate to Zone 1 questions.
Zone 1 Totals: Enter total checked boxes (e.g. 7)
Please add up all the checked items for zone 1 and enter the sum total in this box.
Zone 2 Jedianix Evaluation
Are you susceptible to feelings of terror or panic?
Do you become helpless and frozen in the face of your fears?
Do you suffer from nightmares?
Are you often concerned and worried about your loved ones?
Are you distressed and disturbed by other people’s problems?
Do you fear that you may think or do something that you feel is wrong?
Do you have feelings of apprehension and anxiety without knowing why?
Are you shy, overly sensitive and often afraid?
Do you have fears of identifiable things such as illness, pain, heights, darkness, etc?
Do you often worry about everyday situations such as traffic, exams, and bills?
Do you have low back pain, urine, spleen, bladder or kidney issues?
Do you get in the way of life as it is unfolding, trying to control situations beyond your power?
Do you use your Sensuality or sexuality to release stress or numb your pain?
Do you feel comfortable with pleasure, fun, and creativity?
I do not relate to Zone 2 questions.
Zone 2 Totals: Enter total checked boxes (e.g. 6)
Please add up all the checked items for zone 2 and enter the sum total in this box.
Zone 3 Jedianix Evaluation
Do you often find yourself in a complete state of uncertainty over major life decisions?
Do you feel ready for a change in direction, but unsure which way to go?
Do you find it difficult to decide when faced with a choice of two possibilities?
Do you lack concentration, are you fidgety and nervous?
Do your moods change from one extreme to another, joy to sadness, optimism to pessimism, laughing to crying?
Do you constantly second guess yourself and your own decisions and judgments?
Do you often seek advice and confirmation from other people, mistrusting your own intuition?
Do you often change direction, even after asking advice, because you feel confused and unsure?
Do you often become discouraged or sad when things don’t go the way you planned?
Do you often feel too tired to face the day ahead?
Do you feel bored or overworked with your life?
Do you tend to procrastinate?
When you are stressed, do you tend to suffer from Physical problems resulting from imbalance including diabetes, hypoglycemia, liver malfunction, digestive problems, ulcers, arthritis etc. ?
Do you have self belief to persevere despite setbacks?
I do not relate to Zone 3 questions.
Zone 3 Totals: Enter total checked boxes (e.g., 8 or 9)
Please add up all the checked items for zone 3 and enter the sum total in this box.
Zone 4 Jedianix Evaluation
Do you tend to worry behind a cheerful, smiling face to conceal your pain from others?
Are you distressed by arguments and quarrels, often “giving in” to avoid conflict?
When you feel life’s pressures weighing you down, do you often turn to food, work, stimulants, or other outside influences to help you cope?
Do you often neglect your own needs in order to please others?
Is it difficult to say no o those who impose upon your good nature?
Do you tend to be influenced by those stronger in nature than yourself?
Are you suspicious of others, feel that people have “ulterior motives?”
Do you feel great anger towards other people?
Are you experiencing a any change in your life, a move, new job, new relationship, loss of a loved one, divorce, puberty, menopause, giving up an addiction?
Do people or situations sometimes drain your energy?
Do you have difficulty forgiving people of the past?
When you are under stress, do you have physical symptoms of heart and blood diseases, upper back pain, or heart trouble?
Have you ever been diagnosed with compromised immune system, lung and breathing problems, breast cancer etc.?
Do you have an oversensitivity in your relationships that is sabotaging things?
I do not relate to Zone 4 questions.
Zone 4 Totals: Enter total checked boxes (e.g., 7 or 9)
Please add up all the checked items for zone 4 and enter the sum total in this box.
Zone 5 Jedianix Evaluation
Do you find your head full of persistent, unwanted thoughts that prevent concentration?
Are you unable to sleep at times because your mind seems to be cluttered with mental arguments that go round and round?
Do you often feel spacey and absent minded?
Do you find yourself unable to concentrate for any length of time?
Do you feel utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally?
Have you been through a long period of illness, stress or strain with little relief?
Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again such as choosing the wrong partner or staying in a job you dislike?
Do you fail to learn from the mistake or experience of others?
Do you feel your moods swinging back and forth?
Do you find yourself living in the past, nostalgic and homesick for the “way it was.”?
Are you unable to change past circumstances because you are always looking back and never forward?
Do you have constant stagnant mental chatters and a blocked sense of expression?
Do you feel it is difficult to voice your opinions?
Have you ever suffered from physical realms including problems in the upper digestive tract, mouth ulcers, hearing problems, bronchitis etc. ?
I do not relate to Zone 5 questions.
Please answer to the best of what applies today in your life. The best answer is usually the first thought or gut feeling. You can check off as many that applies.
Zone 5 Totals: Enter total checked boxes (e.g., 8 or 9)
Please add up all the checked items for zone 5 and enter the sum total in this box.
Zone 6
Do you appear to others to be aloof and overly proud?
Do you have a tendency to be withdrawn and prefer to be alone when faced with too many external distractions?
Do you bear your grief and sorrow without talking to others?
Do you find that others may avoid you because you seem to talk too much?
Do you dislike being alone, always seeking the companionship of others, to have someone to talk to?
Do your conversations usually end up focusing on your interests or problems?
Do you feel a need of urgency in everything you do, always rushing to get things through?
Are you impatient and irritable with others who seem to do things too slowly for you?
Do you prefer to work alone?
Do you feel blocked to insights and creativity at times and you do not know why?
Do you feel a deep loneliness that is not being resolved?
Do you want to meditate, but find it hard?
Do you lack life direction?
When you are under stress, do you notice headaches, eye problems, forgetfulness, seizures or any of these symptoms by itself?
I do not relate to Zone 6 questions.
Zone 6 Totals: Enter total checked boxes (e.g., 3 or 8)
Zone 7
Do you need to be needed?
Are you possessive for those you care for, feeling you know what is best for them?
Are you annoyed by the habits and shortcomings of others?
Do you find yourself being overly critical usually over what someone has done wrong not right?
Do you set high personal standards and take pride in setting a good example for others?
Are you overly concerned with diet, exercise, work or spiritual discipline?
Are you extremely disciplined in your approach to life, always striving for perfection?
Do you have so much energy and drive, that you are sometimes tense and can’t fall asleep?
Do you have strong opinions and try to convince others of them?
Are you sensitive to injustice and dedicated to causes almost to the point that others think is extreme?
Do you consider yourself a natural leader?
Are you strong-willed and ambitious but may appear aggressive and domineering to others?
Do you respect the freedom and individuality of others?
Do you have any concerns for genetic disorders, bone cancer or scoliosis or any one of these symptoms?
I do not relate to Zone 7 questions.
Zone 7 : Enter the total of the checked boxes below (e.g., 3 or 9)
Select the 2 (out of 7) Zones that you marked with the most check marks.
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Just look at the totals for each Zone and choose the highest checked zones. Only TOP TWO
Submit: Yes I want my Evaluation Results and Solutions
Jedianix Copyright 2013